Comenzando Jupyter Notebook en mi Ubuntu
Quería comentar un error que tuve al correr jupyter notebook en mi Ubuntu, me daba error indicando que no contaba con puertos disponibles:
[I 05:46:46.208 NotebookApp] The port 8891 is already in use, trying another port.
[C 05:46:46.209 NotebookApp] ERROR: the notebook server could not be started because no available port could be found.
Se solucionó de manera muy facil, agregando un par de parámetros; --ip= --port=<nro de puerto>
gustavo@gustavo-Lenovo-ideapad-500-14ACZ:~$ jupyter notebook --allow-root --ip= --port=8888
Bueno, a partir de ahora a practicar usando pandas.
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Gustavo Orrillo
Passionate about programming, he has implemented Odoo for different types of businesses since 2010. In Moldeo Interactive he is a founding Partner and Programmer; In addition to writing on the Blog about different topics related to the developments he makes.