Codize App is an App developed by Moldeo Interactive that communicates with Odoo allowing to have portable Odoo with unique features thanks to the use of mobile technology.
Contacts. It allows viewing and filtering contacts, customers and suppliers dynamically, as well as being able to view and edit them. Camera access for photo replacement. Creation of Sales Orders from a Contact.
Products. It allows viewing and filtering products, as well as being able to view and edit them. Camera access for photo replacement.
Sales. It allows viewing budgets and sales orders, download PDFs, and create a new Sales Order. The creation of Sales Orders is subject to the geolocated position of the seller, with which it can be known from what exact point in the world the sales order has been created.
Other features:
Simple interface for quick navigation
Geolocation when user is logged
Multi-Languages Support [English and Spanish]
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MercadoLibre - Odoo
14799 Vues. -
Odoo App Community - Odoo
14224 Vues. -
MercadoPago - Odoo
11363 Vues. -
Producteca - Odoo
10667 Vues. -
Odoo Barcode - Odoo
9060 Vues. -
Libro: Implementar Odoo en Argentina
9022 Vues. -
Sitio Web - IMP Cerveceros
7912 Vues. -
Sitio Web - Fallen Footwear
7656 Vues. -
Industrial Maps - GeoEcon
6691 Vues. -
Interactive Sensor - Moldeo Captor
6378 Vues. -
Drupal Commerce - Drupal
5887 Vues. -
Augmented Reality - Mano Escrita
5496 Vues. -
Workshops and Training - Art and Design
5403 Vues. -
Ecommerce - Odoo
5208 Vues. -
Augmented Reality - Miru(AR)
5102 Vues. -
Interactive Window - PUMA
5038 Vues. -
Augmented reality - TelMex Cup
5007 Vues. -
Electronic Bill - Odoo
4978 Vues. -
Digital Atmosphere - Crave
4814 Vues. -
Theatrical Installation - TeraVision
4673 Vues.