MIRU(AR) is an interactive installation of Augmented Reality, which is used in face tracking to make tribal paintings intervened by electronic-digital patterns. It was developed with the Molding software, implementing the OpenFace framework for face tracking. In turn, the designs of the masks were custom made by Gustavo Bianchi. It was presented in November Digital, held at the Buenos Aires French Alliance, on November 27, 2017.
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Odoo App Community - Odoo
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Codize App - Odoo
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MercadoPago - Odoo
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Producteca - Odoo
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Odoo Barcode - Odoo
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Libro: Implementar Odoo en Argentina
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Interactive Sensor - Moldeo Captor
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Drupal Commerce - Drupal
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Augmented Reality - Mano Escrita
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Workshops and Training - Art and Design
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Ecommerce - Odoo
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Interactive Window - PUMA
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Augmented reality - TelMex Cup
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Electronic Bill - Odoo
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Theatrical Installation - TeraVision
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