Dance work by choreographer Edgardo Mercado in collaboration with Augusto Zanela. This show proposes a direct interaction with the spectators and their mobile devices that seeks to experience the hidden and the revealed. Held at the "Centro de Experimentación del Teatro Colón" on 08/09/10/11/15/16/17/18 March 2018, Moldeo Interactive developed the digital platform of infrared cameras connected to a server, sending the images obtained via Streaming to specially developed Android and iOS applications (the TeraApp) -
Developments carried out:
-Wiring and networking of six infrared IP cameras.
-WIFI (local network) provider system by networking four dual-band routers.
-Development of Streaming Receiving App for Android and iOS.
-Hacking of DLP Projectors to project infrared images.
- Implementation of iBeacons (experimental).
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