Moya Moya is an electronic-style band that approached Moldeo Interactive in order to design their presentations live from an interactive audiovisual presentation concept that integrates the programming of lights, LEDs, sensors and projections with the songs. From this perspective, each song is scripted as an interactive script that gradually integrates all these elements dynamically and lively, paying attention to the faithful synchronization between them.
Technique: Using Ableton Live for the bases of the songs, specific notes are programmed for each song, marking the moments that trigger changes simultaneously in the lights, leds, animations that are controlled from one or two machines running the Moldeo software.
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MercadoLibre - Odoo
14808 Vues. -
Odoo App Community - Odoo
14227 Vues. -
Codize App - Odoo
11998 Vues. -
MercadoPago - Odoo
11368 Vues. -
Producteca - Odoo
10671 Vues. -
Odoo Barcode - Odoo
9064 Vues. -
Libro: Implementar Odoo en Argentina
9024 Vues. -
Sitio Web - IMP Cerveceros
7915 Vues. -
Sitio Web - Fallen Footwear
7659 Vues. -
Industrial Maps - GeoEcon
6694 Vues. -
Interactive Sensor - Moldeo Captor
6379 Vues. -
Drupal Commerce - Drupal
5888 Vues. -
Augmented Reality - Mano Escrita
5498 Vues. -
Workshops and Training - Art and Design
5405 Vues. -
Ecommerce - Odoo
5208 Vues. -
Augmented Reality - Miru(AR)
5106 Vues. -
Interactive Window - PUMA
5039 Vues. -
Augmented reality - TelMex Cup
5008 Vues. -
Electronic Bill - Odoo
4979 Vues. -
Digital Atmosphere - Crave
4815 Vues.